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Auteur Fil de discussion: Tango Da Vinci  (Lu 19502 fois)
0 Membres et 1 Invité sur ce fil de discussion.
« le: 14 Août 2020 - 22:08:12 »

6.3 d allongement voile light...prix intéressant...quel retour avez-vous pour cette voile?
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Aile: mantra 4
pratique principale: cross
vols: 1000 vols
Messages: 0

« Répondre #1 le: 17 Août 2020 - 16:46:34 »

Il m'a semblé avoir vu des post sur ce fil !!! ils ont disparu ou j'ai rêvé  hein ?
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zéroteur (se)
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Aile: Ultralite-1 (Ozone)
pratique principale: rampant passion
vols: 1166 vols
Messages: 69

« Répondre #2 le: 17 Août 2020 - 17:04:27 »

En faisant un "Rechercher" (avec "Tango Vinci") en haut de page du forum avec Google, on trouve les messages suivants qui évoquent cette voile :




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Aile: mantra 4
pratique principale: cross
vols: 1000 vols
Messages: 0

« Répondre #3 le: 17 Août 2020 - 17:13:26 »

merci marc  pouce
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zéroteur (se)
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Aile: Ultralite-1 (Ozone)
pratique principale: rampant passion
vols: 1166 vols
Messages: 69

« Répondre #4 le: 17 Août 2020 - 17:20:38 »

merci Marc  pouce

On évoque le nom de cette voile sur ces deux fils, mais il n'y a en fait pas d’informations détaillées dessus (j'ai regardé très rapidement) !

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« Répondre #5 le: 11 Septembre 2020 - 11:31:36 »

Ziad Bassil vient de l'essayer :http://ziadbassil.blogspot.com/2020/08/davinci-tango-en-c.html
Pour moi c'est un des seuls qui font des essaies sans avoir d'interêts derrière Sourire

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« Répondre #6 le: 11 Septembre 2020 - 11:45:08 »

Elle a l air de bien voler dixit ZIAD... est-elle vraiment amortie dans la turbulence pour la pratique du cross...? Peux-tu me confirmer que l intrados est bien Skytex 27 classic 2 ( double enduction) ? Merci 
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« Répondre #7 le: 16 Septembre 2020 - 09:11:42 »

Oui, je te confirme que l'intrados est en Skytex E3H 27g. Et l'extrados est en Skytex E3W 32g, sauf le bord d'attaque qui est en Dominico 20D MF 34g.
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Aile: Xalps 5 & UFO2 18 + bi : takoo 5
pratique principale: cross
Messages: 9

« Répondre #8 le: 16 Septembre 2020 - 09:14:20 »

C’est curieux de mettre du Dominico en bord d’attaque mais du skytex sur le reste  Neutre
C’est courant ? Quel intérêt ?
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crossman (woman)
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Aile: La meilleure que j'ai jamais eu entre les mains.
pratique principale: cross
vols: nombreux vols
Messages: 288

« Répondre #9 le: 16 Septembre 2020 - 10:54:26 »

Je n'ai pas regardé les caractéristiques techniques mais au delà de la marque c'est les grammages qui sont plus importants.
Les bords d'attaques vieillissent plus vite que le reste sur les porosimètres.
Pour les choix des tissus, d'autres constructeurs mélangent les marques sur les différentes parties de la structure. C'est le cas de la Zéolite GT par exemple.
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Nager dans le sens du courant fait rire les crocodiles (Afrique)
Comme de toute façon je finirai ma vie dans un trou, autant qu'il y ait du poil autour. (Frédéric Dard)
« Répondre #10 le: 03 Novembre 2020 - 16:47:53 »

C’est curieux de mettre du Dominico en bord d’attaque mais du skytex sur le reste  Neutre
C’est courant ? Quel intérêt ?

Davinci mélange depuis 2-3 ans les différents tissus. Au delà du grammage, je pense que chaque tissus a ses avantages et désavantages.

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Aile: Advance Sigma 11
pratique principale: cross
vols: 12 ans de vols
Messages: 6

« Répondre #11 le: 26 Avril 2021 - 12:19:17 »

Et un pti dépoussiérage

j'ai reçu ma Tango direct à la maison dans un délai plus que raisonnable, dans sa belle couleur bleue. Communication avec le vendeur plutôt bonne.
Taille L, Ptv 100-120.
selette Dudek Soul (cocon simple mais efficace)

Je viens d'une Sigma 9 100-130 que je volais en milieu de fourchette pour etre aujourd'hui à 117 pour 120.

Premier test vendredi dernier dans des conditions aérologiques d'un printemps dans le massif central. déco à 10h30 site en Est pas de brise ou légèrement nord au déco. le gonflage est fidèle au descriptif. Propre homogène et léger (face voile sans vent, ca monte tout seul) très légère tempo et zou...en 5 pas je suis pris en charge.
il est 10h30...premières bulettes...la voile communique...plus que ma sigma je me laisse surprendre...mais bon je me souviens que cette fois j'ai choisi une véritable C (6.3 d'allongement) et que ça va faire partie des paramètres  à appréhender. Un petit Cm de plus sur la ventrale histoire de faire ce premier plouf serein et on avance...
Bulette+bulette+bulette et me voilà 400m au dessus du déco en un rien de temps assez étonné de la facilité à se caler dans le thermique...une impression inconnue que la voile a envie d'y aller toute seule je fait un point bas avec cette fois la conscience que ça va monter et que ça c'est mis un peu plus en marche...les thermiques sont déjà sympa (+4 un peu brouillon et sortie sous le vent 12km/h) la voile communique et appel au pilotage mais pas de traitrise... je reste en local en me baladant dans un bocal élargi... difficile alors d’évaluer la glisse. Je suis rejoint par une autre tango et une LM7 qui montent rapidement ( en tout cas aussi rapidement l'une que l'autre) et nous partons en transition ensemble dans une vitesse homogène (41 bras haut sans barreau) et ça semble glisser formidablement bien par rapport a la sigma...
je pose après 1h30 de ce qui devait être un premier plouf de découverte en aérologie calme...
ce premier vol me montre qu'il va falloir piloter et être un peu plus présent que sous la sigma mais que c'est une vraie C que j'ai au dessus de la tête...

direction un déco en ouest vers 14h30 pour un second vol...le déco est plus alimenté et le gonflage n'en est que plus propre...la voile monte, tempo un peu tôt mais pas de souci ca remonte sans dépasser au relâché de frein et sortie de déco thermique avec la même impression que la voile cherche a y aller...un peu plus dur a centrer surement du a l’appréhension du pilote car dès le déco les vario sont bcp plus gros et les thermiques bcp plus teigneux...bon direction le plaf qd même et cette voile monte du toner une fois qu'on a pigé comment user de la commande. Pas forcément besoin de visser comme avec la sigma mais bien de la laisser voler, même en thermique et de profiter de toute la largeur de l'ascendance. arrivé au plaf avec une autre tango, une zeno et une LM7 nous partons en transition où là j'ai pu mesurer la capacité à glisser et a planer...et surtout le plaisir de pouvoir enfin suivre les copains sans se faire déposer...le vols dure deux heures dans une belle aérologie avec des vario qui approchent les +7 mais ca montait de partout...donc barreau et tout droit...on va être honnête la LM7 avance vraiment vite mais le reste du quatuor se tient.
Bien plus serein finalement car surement concentré sur le cross plutôt que sur les mouvement de l'aile et au final un super vol...je pose après 2h car mes mouflets m'attendaient a la maison et j'allais sortir de mon département...et me faire gronder par le FFVL ( Tire la langue ) mais premier jour, premier test, premier cross (modeste certes mais j'étais parti pour faire du gonflage et des ploufs)

sentiment vraiment positifs pour ces premiers vols en Da Vinci Tango...maintenant va falloir aller se mesurer à une vraie aérologie de printemps !!!

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il vaut mieux un vol de moins qu'un vol de trop !!!!
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Aile: Advance Sigma 11
pratique principale: cross
vols: 12 ans de vols
Messages: 6

« Répondre #12 le: 15 Juin 2021 - 12:06:19 »

bon bein Tip Top cette tango

rien à envier aux artik 6 et delta 4, même pas peur des icepeak



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il vaut mieux un vol de moins qu'un vol de trop !!!!
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Aile: Un peu de tout à force :)
pratique principale: vol rando
vols: septente trouze vols
Messages: 16

« Répondre #13 le: 16 Juin 2021 - 10:03:54 »

bon bein Tip Top cette tango

rien à envier aux artik 6 et delta 4, même pas peur des icepeak



Attends d'essayer de la revendre en occase avant de conclure cela  clown
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Aile: Advance Sigma 11
pratique principale: cross
vols: 12 ans de vols
Messages: 6

« Répondre #14 le: 16 Juin 2021 - 15:10:42 »

elle n'a rien a envier aux sigma alors...700 balles d'occaz tout en vert au contrôle ...
maintenant si le marché de l'occaz est ce qu'il est c'est pas de ma faute...et perso si a l'achat j'ai une voile neuve qui vole top et qui m'a couté 35% de moins qu'une autre elle fera bien l'affaire comme un parasol ou une robe de mariée une fois rincée
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il vaut mieux un vol de moins qu'un vol de trop !!!!
« Répondre #15 le: 16 Juin 2021 - 19:27:32 »


comme à peut près toute C qui se respecte, ça ne vaut rien en occasion. Donc étant les prix canons de Da Vinci, difficile d'être perdant
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Aile: Un peu de tout à force :)
pratique principale: vol rando
vols: septente trouze vols
Messages: 16

« Répondre #16 le: 17 Juin 2021 - 08:54:49 »

Je ne parle pas de la revendre à 700 balles  Rigole je parle de la revendre tout court ! Les sigma 10 ont pas forcément bonne presse donc tu prends un mauvais exemple... En revanche une delta3 à 700 balles  mort de rire  bonne chance

Mais l'important est de se faire plaisir salut !
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Aile: AD Soar, Sigma 9, Goose Mk3
pratique principale: cross
vols: plus qu'hier, moins que demain vols
Messages: 13

« Répondre #17 le: 17 Juin 2021 - 10:08:45 »

Il parlait de son ex S9 je pense
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Aile: Advance Sigma 11
pratique principale: cross
vols: 12 ans de vols
Messages: 6

« Répondre #18 le: 17 Juin 2021 - 10:58:57 »

Il parlait de son ex S9 je pense

elle va bien ????
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il vaut mieux un vol de moins qu'un vol de trop !!!!
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Aile: AD Soar, Sigma 9, Goose Mk3
pratique principale: cross
vols: plus qu'hier, moins que demain vols
Messages: 13

« Répondre #19 le: 17 Juin 2021 - 23:26:47 »

Il parlait de son ex S9 je pense

elle va bien ????

la mienne? elle dort tranquille
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« Répondre #20 le: 26 Février 2023 - 22:22:50 »


Conçue par un designer qui a fait ses premières armes chez Gin qu'il a quitté pour lancer sa propre marque, voici une aile innovante par son bord d'attaque intégrant un clapet textile qui, à l'inverse du RAST de Swing, ne vas pas ralentir le remplissage initial de l'aile (celle-ci gonflant et s'élevant rapidement, nécessitant l'intervention du pilote) , puis va ensuite produire des effets assez similaires, avec un volume d'air emprisonné plus important.

La gamme Da Vinci est complète : outre cette EN-C en trois lignes voulu ludique et facile ( la taille M 85-105 kg est B en bas de fourchette, ne récoltant que 3 C en haut de fourchette, dont un seul en fermeture), on trouve la Point+ (A... +),la Classic en B, la Funky en B+, la Xchord 2 lignes EN-D et l'Opera en CCC (issue d'un partenariat avec Flow) et le bi Duet en 5 tailles, ainsi que deux ailes dédiées au paramoteur.

= Le test remarquablement détaillé la Tango par Alexey Tarasov sautillant =


Textes & photos :


C'est en anglais (mais DeepL est là...)

Intro =

"Testfly is an independent project devoted to independent testing and comparison of paragliding equipment.

This project has been created by a small but passionate team of pilots already having a long-term testing experience.

Alexey Tarasov

Flying since 1992, independent tester since 1996, PWC pilot since 2017. In constant search for the best equipment available on the market, Alexei has close relations to many paragliding manufacturers and dealers. His passion is to compare equipment, to find strong and weak points... and to try staying 100% independent and objective on his reports.

Irina Tarasova

Flying since 2005. During test-drives she generally does fotos of her husband Clin d'oeil

Da Vinci brand

The histories of DaVinci and Flow companies are closely connected from their beginning. The first product ranges from both brands were developped in close collaboration, the differences between glider models were mainly in naming and color schemes. But in 2019 the game has changed: being still in collaboration, each brand now follows its own way. The Funky (high EN B) is the first child of this approach. So let's see what is the modern EN B vision from Jihun Lee, DaVinci owner and designer...


DaVinci managed to surprise! No, not the quality of sewing and materials - all this is already familiar and even used to other products of this brand - but... Its kinematics. The first, that catches the eye - huge wooden bosses, just like at spiteful sport two-rowers, which hint thickly at the possibility to steer completely the back rows in flight on gas pedal. No fashionable "breeches" - just grips! If you look closely at the ends, it becomes clear why. For the first time in my memory, working the back rows changes the twist of the wing by affecting the C-risers differently. The outer C-row sling rolls over a separate branch of the rows. The design of the ends had to be a little more complicated for the sake of this - but getting ahead of myself, I will note that it was worth it. It's much easier, than "bridges" and moreover rollers on B-rips, as in Mantra M7 from Ozone, but the efficiency of such decision was unexpectedly high. Otherwise, the ends are quite good, made of narrow ribbon. The swivels are with swivels, with fashionable self-locking magnets, and the handlebar goes through a very nice ceramic ring. It's all grown up!


Ambitious! No spit on all tiers. And our prototype has only 6.3 lenght... The lower tier ropes are soft enough and don't get tangled on the start, which is nice. Braided eyelets are present. What's nice is that the manufacturer took care of the shrinkage of the sling in advance and generously put loops on the B- and C-rips. With the inevitable deformation of the sling at regular flights these loops can be reset by slightly increasing the length of slings. The slinging scheme is specific -- A2A'1B4C2C'1, because, as I wrote above, the outer C-row sling is put out on a separate branch of the ends. The upper tiers of slinging are, of course, also without braid, and quite evil ratings, up to 30 kg of working load (it's almost a thread).


The first thing I look at when getting to know a wing is, of course, the tips. The second is the shape of the wing, which can tell you a lot about the wing before it even flies. And in that respect, the Tango creates some intrigue even on the ground. The elongation is small by 2020 standards, 6.3. But there are quite a few sections -- 66 of them. DaVinci likes to brag about its proprietary software for 3d-cutting and optimizing the distribution of loads inside the wing -- and in the case of the Tango, that software certainly did some good. The wing's forehead is very smooth, and there are no noticeable problems further down the chord. The shape of the wing creates some intrigue, too - it's unusual to see the rather wide, sharply-cut "ears" which create some kind of sporty mood. If you feel the outside of the wing and look inside, everything becomes even more interesting. Inside the rather narrow intakes there lives a kind of cunningly placed wide band, which in DaVinci is called Smart Nose Plus ("cool nose plus"). It's quite a clever technical solution: the size and position of the band are chosen in such a way, that it doesn't interfere with the intakes work in normal flight modes. But if air tries to come out of the wing, the band starts to flow very badly, and you get almost a valve, which holds air inside and in theory increases resistance of the wing to collapses. Getting ahead of myself, I note that the effectiveness of this solution remains questionable for me personally, but it seems that the "steep nose" can slow down the wing's too amplitude pitch movements. Naturally, there are lines present, and things are tricky with them. At first glance, the lines at the leading edge are not stiff or long - about 10 percent of the chord. The second, more attentive look (thanks, Dima!) found in the wing a "full stuffing" of thin and soft, but very long fishing lines that support almost the entire chord! Somewhere these wires of the "second level" are hidden deep under the wing's surface, somewhere they approach it quite close, but, due to their low rigidity, they are not so easy to detect. But it's easy to find the effects they have in the form of smoothness of the wing, which has suspiciously flat and neat "back" in the area of the second half of the chord (often there is an unpleasant crease "eating" a little bit of aerodynamic quality). And also, most of the line is so soft, that Tango does not require any special packing technique - there is no need to wrap the wing suspension, it is enough to handle carefully only the first 30-40 centimeters of the concertina, not allowing its sharp kinks in this place.


Very good! And not great, oddly enough, only because of the excessive dynamics. The Tango is very docile and responds quickly to almost anything the pilot does, but roll and pitch change impressively quickly and in impressively large ranges. The Tango literally flies up from the ground, due to its low wing weight and specific torque characteristics. The flip side of the coin is that the fast climbing wing tends to outrun the pilot. The pilot has to "settle" the wing quickly and vigorously with the brakes. The same happens with banked wings - it is easy to put Tango on the ground as well as to bring it back up through the cobra. The main thing is not to rock the machine on the roll.


The same problems as with the "ground", only a little more pronounced. They are so pronounced that if you don't start carefully enough the wing can even swing slightly in a roll, which is extremely rare in the EN C class, and in paragliders in general. And in pitch, Tango also "shoots out" very distinctly. But it has no problems with launching from a restricted area and/or in a weak wind. In such conditions Tango behaves almost like a light mountain glider, it stands up literally from effort of thought, which is undoubtedly pleasant.

Turn ability

Tango's reactions to the controls are perhaps one of the most striking impressions of this wing. And one of the most enjoyable. The Tango has very few competitors in its class in terms of effectiveness of its paddles. The only one who reacts more sharply to a hand action is the legendary Skywalk Cayenne 5 - but it is an amateur favourite. Tango, on the other hand, reacts a little more quietly, well and correctly adjusted. Brake has no slack at all, but Tango reacts calmly at first 5-10 centimeters of travel, noticeably changing only airspeed. But each subsequent centimeter of brake input adds to the sharpness of the response. To keep the trajectory in flight without gas pedal the brake travel of 10 cm is enough; in thermals hand travel rarely exceeds 30-40 cm and powerful, amplitude wingovers are achieved at one movement at hand travel far from stalling. Tango jumps into a turn with ease and excitement, changing roll almost immediately and very accurately obeying the pilot - and just as easily and naturally holds the set roll, even if turbulence tries to prevent it. Brake input is quite pleasant and comfortable throughout the range of travel, just as you would expect from a modern EN C. Overall a very, very pleasant experience! Interestingly, the Tango's liveliness comes through in some noticeably limited range of roll and pitch. For example, 90 degree turn radius is fast and easy to execute on Tango - but to make an oblique loop (roll more than 90 degrees) you would need to do much more effort, to work with your hands and body much more vigorously and with greater amplitude. At the same time full brake stroke of Tango is big enough - there is no chance to unintentionally pull it. Tango's body control is also very pleasant, reasonably sharp, but without extreme.

It is necessary to stop separately on control of back rows in flight by a gas pedal. Let me remind you that the kinematics of Tango's ends is rather non-trivial - the bosses' work results in a change of roll, with a heavy load on the outer slings of the B-row. Perhaps that's why the Tango's reactions to rear-row work are close to those of two-row wings. The bead force is noticeably less than the three-row average, and the rear-row efficiency deserves cautious praise. It won't be too hard to switch from the Tango to something two-row - the back-row skills developed on the Tango will come in handy and require almost no retraining. Great!

I repeat what I wrote above: very decent results for a machine with EN C label, not positioned as the top of the class. Tango polar allows its owner not to be complexed before the owners of machines of more famous companies, and if the knowledge and skills are enough to use this polar competently - Tango shows very decent results on the routes. In good thermal weather Tango is quite capable to go a route against a wind of 4-5 m/sec. Long joint flights with the Advance Sigma 10 showed approximate parity in glide. The more serious machines like Trango X-Race are of course very serious competitors for Tango, but Tango has no such competitive ambitions, it's a simpler machine for a wider audience. In general, by the combination of volatility and demandingness to the pilot Tango is very interesting, competitive offer, and if you also remember the price level, typical for DaVinci in 2020, everything becomes quite interesting.

Accelerated flight

9 / 10

Speed gain

8 / 10

Speed system effort

8 / 10

Speed system travel

And again a pleasant surprise! Both in terms of speed and planning angle. The speed increase at 50% of gas pedal travel is about 7... 9 km/h, and at 100% of gas pedal travel Tango shows very convincing 17... 18 km/h. Only the 777 Queen 2 is faster, and in the EN C class only a few wings can do that! The glide did not disappoint either. I flew in parallel with several different gliders of the same class -- ParAAvis Ray, Advance Sigma 10, Axis Vega 5 -- and overall I got the strong impression that the glide speeds available to all these boats are roughly equal. But in comparison with the Sigma, the Tango has a trump up its sleeve in the form of a couple of km/h of maximum speed. All in all, a very decent result! The gas pedal, like the cranks, has a nicely tuned force and stroke, it's easy and comfortable to use.

9 / 10


I repeat what I wrote above: very decent results for a machine with EN C label, not positioned as the top of the class. Tango polar allows its owner not to be complexed before the owners of machines of more famous companies, and if the knowledge and skills are enough to use this polar competently - Tango shows very decent results on the routes. In good thermal weather Tango is quite capable to go a route against a wind of 4-5 m/sec. Long joint flights with the Advance Sigma 10 showed approximate parity in glide. The more serious machines like Trango X-Race are of course very serious competitors for Tango, but Tango has no such competitive ambitions, it's a simpler machine for a wider audience. In general, by the combination of volatility and demandingness to the pilot Tango is very interesting, competitive offer, and if you also remember the price level, typical for DaVinci in 2020, everything becomes quite interesting.

8.5 / 10

Soaring and sink rate

8 / 10

Sink rate in straight flight

9 / 10

Sink rate in spiral

A well-loaded Tango has not demonstrated any miracles in terms of rate of descent, but that applies only and only to straight-line flight. In streams, however, it is the Maneuverability that comes to the fore, which the Tango is very good, and as a result the Tango is a very efficient pilot, capable of pulling its pilot from 50 meters above the terrain, for example. Thanks to its good aerodynamics, the Tango's rate of descent in curves is reluctant, which makes life easier for the pilot. The main thing is to remember the Tango's characteristic sharpness in reaction and not to wave too much in the flow, and then everything will work out!

8 / 10

Comfort and feedback

7 / 10


9 / 10


Already from the name of our test subject it is clear that the Korean designers had a priority. Informativeness! There is a lot of it, especially for a wing with a small elongation of 6.3 by 2020 standards. Even in relatively calm weather, the Tango almost constantly makes various movements, noticeably goes back and forth in pitch and behaves quite freely in roll. This does not translate into outright uncomfortableness, mainly because the Tango is monolithic. There is almost no squirming or wiggling of the ears, and in this regard, the Tango is very similar to the well-known wings of Ozone - Delta 3 and Mantra M7. Just like Ozons, the Tango is happy to adjust airspeed and brake inputs, which are all very informative. But there is no parasitic, not informative movements and variations of speeds and loads from Tango - and the similarity with Ozons can be seen in this too. Tango is perceived as dynamic, hot, informing much to a pilot in not too rough weather - but in strong conditions such abundance of information can turn out to be uncomfortable. The Tango is somewhat easier to get accustomed to due to its very simple "language" - it is not difficult to understand what the wing is trying to convey to the pilot, everything is intuitively clear literally from the first minutes of the flight.

9 / 10

Dynamics and energy retention

9 / 10


9 / 10

Energy retention

A lot! Both. And, in my opinion, this is more of a plus than a minus - especially if you remember that for all its dynamism Tango is not prone to dangerously large amplitudes and excessively high speeds on dynamic maneuvers. Vingovers are very interesting - Tango makes rolls up to about 90 degrees, so to say, on the count of times, but it's much more difficult to turn vingovers into loops. Overclocking and underclocking are approximately the same -- Tango likes to change airspeed very quickly and dynamically within certain (rather wide!) limits, but does not try to go beyond these limits. The Tango's pre-swoop can last many tens of meters in the dead air, almost as much as a higher class.

7.38 / 10

Dangerous flight regimes

7 / 10

Asymmetric collapse

Perfect! And classical. The load on A riser is high, got some almost-collapses until pulling the A riser plenty. If enough effort is applied to A riser, the collapse occurs at last, goind moderately deep chordwise and instantly inducing some roll. The rocking back is very limited in amplitude. The opening is smooth and gradual, perfectly complying the EN B requirements. The course deviation is generally around 60 degrees, the pitch+roll is only about 30 degrees, the height loss is mere 10 meters. A couple of ear sections may sometimes remain collapsed having no effect on glider behaviour which is very easy to understand. No special control technique is required, the glider even pardons some of the most typical errors like excessive brake input and delayed/incorrect weight shift.

Asymmetric collapse 100% accelerated

Perfect again. The only difference is slightly more dynamics and more possibility to have the wingtips tangled after the most part of the wing is reopened. The angles are also increased: pitch+roll angle can reach 45 degrees, the course deviation is close to 90 degrees.

6.5 / 10

Frontal collapse

It's funny that, during a frontal collapse, the Funky behaves like some of Niviuk 2-liners. It's hard to provoke a frontal collapse because of high load on A risers. The collapse develops moderately deep chordwise, and releasing the risers provokes a powerful surge and an instant "parachute-like" reopening, all this in almost no time. The reopening is so quick that the glider looses only 10 meters of height or less, but the dynamics of the recovery process is quite impressive.

Spin out of thermal spiral

Not all of modern EN B gliders allow this trick. But, despite the abouve-cited brake slack and generally long brake travel, The Funky can potentially be stalled by its pilot while thermalling. But you need to push breakes really hard to do so. In my case the Funky was entering the stall at the very limit of available brake travel, and the brake effort was quite heavy. It's almost impossible that a typical EN B pilot could occasionally make such a mistake. The brake effort decrease at the beginning of the stall is quite subtle, but the stall develops slowly, the pilot has at least a couple of seconds to recognize the problem and to rise the hand. The recovery to thermal spiral is perfectly fast, the surge is powerful but very limited in amplitude.

Quick descent techniques

8.5 / 10


9 / 10
8 / 10
Sink rate

Almost ideal in terms of stability. The effort on external A lines is big at the beginning, drastically diminishing after the collapse occurs. Keeping the ears closed is a child's play, they require a minimal effort of A lines and are very stable. It's perfect compared to certain gliders which have a very deep-stall-like behavior with both ears closed... but it's less perfect in terms of sink rate. I measured only -2 m/s. Not very effective, maybe because of low wing loading during tests. The reopening requires some brake input or a couple of weight shifts.

Ears, accelerated

9 / 10
8 / 10
Sink rate

Almost the same as without speed system, the only difference is the sink rate which increases up to 3 m/s."

Essayée aussi par :
 - Parapente Vuelo Libre No109 (printemps 2021)

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zéroteur (se)
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Aile: Ultralite-1 (Ozone)
pratique principale: rampant passion
vols: 1166 vols
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« Répondre #21 le: 26 Février 2023 - 22:44:01 »

On a déjà parlé de cette marque sur d'autres fils, en particulier au sujet justement de la Tango.
Voir ici :

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« Répondre #22 le: 26 Février 2023 - 23:00:24 »

Vu Marc
Un modo pourrait-il déplacer ces posts sur le fil precedemment ouvert ?

On a déjà parlé de cette marque sur d'autres fils, en particulier au sujet justement de la Tango.
Voir ici :
http://ww +1 au karma w.parapentiste.info/forum/ailes-de-performance/tango-da-vinci-t57143.0.html;msg738928#msg738928

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Aile: 777 Queen 2 / 777 King
pratique principale: autre (?)
vols: plein de vols
Messages: 2

« Répondre #23 le: 27 Février 2023 - 07:21:28 »

voici une aile innovante par son bord d'attaque intégrant un clapet textile qui, à l'inverse du RAST de Swing, ne vas pas ralentir le remplissage initial de l'aile (celle-ci gonflant et s'élevant rapidement, nécessitant l'intervention du pilote) , puis va ensuite produire des effets assez similaires, avec un volume d'air emprisonné plus important.

Les clapets d'entrées de caissons, ça ne nous rajeunit pas. Le "Smart Nose System" de DaVinvi versus les clapets de la Saphir d'ITV en 1989 !!
L'histoire est un éternel recommencement.
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crossman (woman)
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Aile: La meilleure que j'ai jamais eu entre les mains.
pratique principale: cross
vols: nombreux vols
Messages: 288

« Répondre #24 le: 27 Février 2023 - 07:56:11 »

Il y a eu aussi la trilair https://parapente360.com/bibliotheque-pedagogique-parapente-360/historique-du-materiel-hparapente/histoire-parapente-1989-ldek-trilair/

Ces 'innovations' ne se sont pas généralisées, il y a probablement une/des raisons.
Les techniques évoluant, on a qd même maintenant de nombreux modèles qui ont une énorme résistance à la fermeture sans être équipés de clapets. Et l'argument 'oui mais quand ça ferme c'est plus violent' est faux, en tous cas pour ce que moi j'ai constaté. Les techniques évoluant aussi sur les structures internes et les échanges ou circulations internes, les capacités à regonfler sont incomparables aux ailes du passé. Bref, sûr que le clapet est innovant, pas sûr que ce soit une innovation qui reste.
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Nager dans le sens du courant fait rire les crocodiles (Afrique)
Comme de toute façon je finirai ma vie dans un trou, autant qu'il y ait du poil autour. (Frédéric Dard)
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